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Assistive Technology Funding

Would you or a family member benefit from assistive technology, whether for communication, mobility, learning, or another reason? Here are some assistive technology funding opportunities you should look at!
Also: Download our funding guide, an easy to navigate and extensive collection of even more funding opportunities:
Assistive Technology Funding
ALS Equipment Loan Program
Designed to help people cope with the daily challenges of decreasing mobility and independence. Through offering basic and essential assistive devices at no charge, the program aims to reduce the financial burden and to enhance the quality of life of those living with ALS. Items includes mobility equipment, lifts, beds and accessories, bathroom aids, and more.
Bear Essentials
Financial support is available to help cover medical or therapeutic equipment to address special needs
BC Paraplegic Foundation
Provides funding for people with disabilities from spinal cord injuries. Funding support is considered for various mobility aids, adaptations, and aids to daily living.​
BC Rehab Foundation Individual Grants
The BC Rehab Foundation helps fund assistive equipment for people with physical disabilities
Canadian Red Cross HELP Program
The Health Equipment Loan Program provides health equipment, mobility aids, and other assistive technology to individuals dealing with illness or disability
Canada Cares celebrates and supports family and professional caregivers through caregiver recognition awards. They distribute practical gifts to caregivers and their families including bathroom safety equipment, ramps, an accessible van and annual One Wish Awards.
Ceridian Cares offers grants to individuals and families who are in need of financial assistance for items such as medical equipment and home adjustments. Grant amounts typically range from $200 to $4,000.
Cerebral Palsy Association of BC Equipment Subsidy Fund
Offers financial assistance for the purchase of assistive devices
CKNW Kids’ Fund
Focus on funding applications for families with children in need and from children’s organizations who provide beneficial programs and services. Considerations of funding for:
Wheelchairs and scooters
Lifts, slings, and ramps
Rehab equipment
Aids to daily living
Seating and positioning
Vehicles and adaptations
Speech, music, and equestrian therapy for physically disabled kids
Grief and psychological counselling
Adaptive wheelchairs and specialized medical equipment to increase mobility
Hearing aids and computer adapted software for multi-sensory learning
Outreach programs for inner-city youth
Summer camp subsidies
Blind or partially sighted persons who register with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind can receive a free Smartphone through the Phone It Forward program
Communication Assistance for Youth and Adults
A province-wide service program that supports adults aged 19 years and older who require an augmentative or alternative communication system due to a severe communication disability
Crime Victim Assistance Program
CVAP provides for persons who have received an injury due to criminal activity. Funding provided for:
Wheelchairs and scooters
Lifts, slings, and ramps
Rehab equipment
Aids to daily living
Seating and positioning
Vehicles and adaptations
Freemason Charities
The Freemasons are involved with many different types of charity and funding. Please contact them through the above website to find a local contact near you.
A national program of the Canadian Red Cross, HELP provides health equipment to individuals dealing with illness or injury
ICBC Assistive Technology Funding
Funding and compensation for those injured in or by an automobile accident. Considerations of funding for:
Wheelchairs and scooters
Lifts, slings, ramps, and home renovations
Rehab equipment
Aids to daily living
Seating and positioning
Vehicles and adaptations
*Directly Contacting ICBC Is Recommended
Interim Federal Health Program
Covers certain pre-departure medical services for refugees coming to Canada for resettlement. This coverage includes assistive devices, medical supplies, and equipment, such as mobility aids, orthopedic and prosthetic equipment, and hearing aids.
Persons who receive financial disability assistance can receive high speed broadband Internet at home for a discounted rate of only $9.95 per month
Kinsmen Foundation Equipment Grants
Kinsmen fund a wide range of new and used equipment, and will consider even the most obscure devices if they will assist an individual in their quality of life, personal mobility, and independence
Kiwanis International Foundation
The foundation's focus is helping children of all abilities. Contact The Kiwanis International Foundation for more information.
Provides permanent loans of refurbished hearing aids for those who cannot afford new ones
March of Dimes Assistive Technology
Provides a range of assistive technology and modifications to increase accessibility​
Focuses on assisting individuals and institutions that are committed to enriching the lives of children and teenagers whose families have limited financial resources. Considerations and examples of funding where the Foundation will give assistance are:
Certain medical or dental procedures (not including standard orthodontics)
Assisting special needs children to attend summer camps and other recreational pursuits
Providing to other charities, equipment and facilities such as boats, special needs vehicles, and playground equipment
Ministry of Children and Family Development
MCDF provides funding for children with special needs under the age of 18. Considerations of funding are made for various types of assistive equipment, including wheelchairs, walkers, floor/ceiling lifts, standing frames, and other devices necessary for care and rehabilitation.
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Funding for people ages 18 to 65 who receive income assistance from the Government of BC. Individuals over the age of 65 require their funding to be reviewed before being approved. Considerations of funding for:
Wheelchairs and scooters
Lifts, slings, and ramps
Rehab equipment
Aids to daily living
Seating and positioning
Floor/ceiling lifts, and other equipment deemed to be medical necessities
Muscular Dystrophy Canada Funding
Funding for people diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder. Offers supplementary funding when other funding may not supply enough to cover the required equipment costs.
Neil Squire Society
Funding for adults with disabilities. Benefits offered are intended for those seeking employment or individuals currently employed. Contact the society for details and specific benefits offered.
Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
Focuses on funding for eligible First Nations and Inuit persons. Considerations of funding for:
Equipment deemed to be medical necessities
Funding not available for: beds, ceiling tracks, or scooters
Open Door Group
Funding British Columbians with disabilities who intend to work or volunteer. Considerations of funding for rehabilitation equipment, as well as vehicle and workplace modifications.
Pacific Blue Cross (and other private insurers and company health plans)
There are funding opportunities for persons who have membership through work, union, or private contractual agreement. Considerations of funding for:
Different types of rehabilitation equipment depending on plan specifications and limitations. Clients must know policy number and plan details to help in authorization.
Recreation Equipment Loan Program
Lifetime Networks has a variety of specially designed and adapted recreation equipment available for loan. The equipment is available for anyone in the community with a need for an adapted piece of equipment; from individuals, parents and caregivers, to educational assistants, recreational and physical therapists.
The Rick Hansen Foundation (RHF) is a national charity established in 1988, following the completion of Rick Hansen’s Man In Motion World Tour. For nearly 30 years, RHF has worked to raise awareness, empower youth, fund spinal cord injury research, and remove barriers for people with disabilities. Foundation programs include the RHF School Program, the RHF Accessibility CertificationTM (RHFAC) Program, and accessibility advisory services.
Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation focuses on improving health and welfare by club members and volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally
Royal Canadian Legion
Grants are available nationwide for medical equipment and home adaptations for veterans, ex-service members, and their families
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of BC: Equipment Program
Financial assistance is available to current members with spina bifida and / or hydrocephalus to assist with the costs of equipment that are not covered through existing medical or other insurance plans. Items that will enhance or improve mobility are eligible for reimbursement.
Technology for Independent Living
The War Amps helps fund artificial limbs for amputees
Variety Children's Charity
Variety provides funding for persons with special needs 19 years and younger. Funding is most often provided when other funding sources may not supply enough to cover all required equipment costs. Considerations of funding for:
Lifts, slings, and ramps
Rehab equipment
Aids to daily living
Seating and positioning
Vehicle conversions
Veterans Affairs Canada
Provides funding for veterans in need of rehabilitation equipment, including wheelchairs, scooters, ramps, and aids for daily living
WorkBC Assistive Technology Services Centre
Provides assistive technology or supports to individuals with disabilities to assist them in gaining and sustaining employment or community attachment
Work Safe BC
Funds assistive technology for people who receive compensation benefits due to a workplace injury. Considerations of funding for:
Lifts, slings, and ramps
Rehab equipment
Aids to daily living
Seating and positioning
Vehicle conversions
Home conversions
BC Disability Funding Main Page
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