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Spencer van Vloten
Jan 30, 2022
Clothing For All: The Story Of June Adaptive
It was love for a family member that made Wendy dedicate herself to accessible clothing.

Spencer van Vloten
Oct 4, 2021
BC Barriers: Danger on a North Shore Bus
Sam recalls how difficult it was during an outing with her aunt, who uses a wheelchair.

Spencer van Vloten
Aug 22, 2021
PWD: A Day in the Life of Jennifer Burgmann
Disabled after 4 decades of living without a disability, the barriers Jennifer Burgmann suddenly faced led her to create a poplar website

Spencer van Vloten
Jun 9, 2021
From 2 Pounds to Trailblazer: CBC's Cathy Browne Puts the Spotlight on BC's Overlooked Issues
CBC's Cathy Browne has been a leader in bringing attention to disability issues

Spencer van Vloten
May 25, 2021
The Accessible BC Act Needs Teeth
What the Accessible British Columbia Act needs, writes Paul Caune, is some grizzly bear teeth

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