The spousal cap on provincial disability assistance tore this family apart and nearly cost a life
By Anonymous
BC Disability
November 16, 2021
We share the 3rd entry in our series highlighting the damage caused by BC's discriminatory spousal cap policy on disability and income assistance.
This story highlights how partners, children, and indeed full families suffer.
Read Entry 1: It's Marriage OR Survival; not both for BC's PWDs
Read Entry 2: "It makes me feel guilty for my disabilities"
Read Entry 4: A loving partner isn't an option: A statement
Because of the clawback policies for PWD spousal situations, my child is an official bastard.
The very foundational document and first years of their life, was a tense sham of holding out long enough to survive for a $500 a month difference.
It meant diapers, food, and staying half-warm in winter, though we still needed charity for clothes and food.
Then we were coerced and proclaimed "married common law", which neither of us ever wanted. Our mental health conditions spiked, one of us ended up hospitalized for almost a month, the relationship crumbled almost irreparably.
We were coerced and proclaimed "married common law"
How much did that cost the government? Was it worth it to push someone over the edge, cost a job, and almost cost someone's life?
To nearly make a child lose a parent, to lose a month of knowing them before they could understand why? For that child to have night terrors for years afterwards?
They don't care about people, they care about spending the least amount possible to seem like they're doing good for society by allowing us to survive. Barely. If we follow their rules for our lives.
They don't care about people, they care about spending the least amount possible
Stop punishing disabled people for having a heart, a companion, the human support and kindness in their lives that the government doesn't care enough to provide any semblance of.
Let kids have both parents without cutting down their basic survival means. Let people find human connection instead of wasting away alone, further declining in their health.
Let people come together and be stronger instead of kicking out the ground beneath their feet for doing so.
Sign our petition to change this damaging policy

Spencer van Vloten is the editor of BC Disability. To get in touch, send an email to spencer@bcdisability.com!