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Say Hello To Ryan Groth!

Ryan Groth is bringing his skills to BC Disability!

BC Disability

July 6th, 2022

Everyone say hello to Ryan Groth!

Ryan's a Metis self-advocate from Vancouver, and a website whiz for BC Disability. He's currently helping with website updates that will soon go live, and is busy researching new community resources to share with you.

Ryan's passionate about teaching People Planning Together workshops through ESATTA - Empowering Self Advocates to take Action. He specializes in helping self-advocates take the lead in planning their futures, setting their goals, and developing plans to achieve them.

When he's not teaching workshops and helping train other self-advocates, you might catch Ryan watching sports, and he is an especially big fan of the Vancouver Canucks and the BC Lions.

Ryan also loves PC gaming, and is an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy novels.

Welcome Ryan!

Ryan Fast Facts

  • Hero: Anyone who takes the hard road instead of the easy way out.

  • Favourite food: I love tacos beyond all things! Taco Bell to be specific.

  • Favourite book: I have 2 fav books and each one is part of a series: there's a Dragon Rider series and the other is a Canadian Army Cadet series that took place in the 1950s

  • Pets: I don't have any pets, but my homeshare has cats and dogs. I'm more of a cat person.

  • An interesting fact about you: I try to do good things each day, but if I fail I know not to berate myself, because there is always something next to do. Also, when I'm working on anything online like websites and such, I love to listen to music.

  • Goal for the year: My goal for the year is to be a better person than I was the year before


Spencer van Vloten is the editor of BC Disability. To get in touch, send an email to!


What is BC Disability?

BC Disability: BC PWD, Canada Disability Benefit, BC disability assistance, BC disability services, news, and resources. Here to help you with disability, BC PWD, Canada Disability Benefit, and more!

Editor, Spencer van Vloten:


Many thanks to computer whiz Ryan Groth

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