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Transportation Funding

Need to travel somewhere? Whether by plane, train, car, or ship, these funding opportunities can help you save!
Also: Download our funding guide, an easy to navigate and extensive collection of even more funding opportunities:
Transportation funding
Autoplan Disability Discount (ICBC)
Vehicle owners whose mobility is permanently impaired may qualify for a 25 per cent discount off the cost of Basic Autoplan
BC Ferries Disability Status Pass
Discount fares are available for residents of British Columbia who have a permanent disability (this applies to passenger fares only). To receive the discounted fare, you must apply for a BC Ferries Disabled Status Identification (DSI) Card, which you will present to the Ticket Agent when you arrive at the terminal.
Canadian Assisted Travel Society Funding
The Canadian Assisted Travel Society provides financial assistance to individuals with disabilities who qualify and require the assistance of a personal care attendant when traveling
Disability Assistance Transportation Supplement
People receiving disability assistance will get an extra $52 each month for a transportation supplement. This supplement is available to every individual with the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation. The supplement can be used for an annual bus pass or for other transportation needs.
The Disability Travel Card is for people of all types of permanent disabilities who require the assistance of a support person when travelling with VIA Rail Canada, Greyhound Canada, Coach Canada, and Ontario Northland. With the card, an attendant can travel with them at significantly reduced fare.
If you have a permanent mobility impairment and cannot safely use public transportation, you can ask for a refund of part of the federal excise tax on the gasoline you buy. A qualified medical practitioner must certify the impairment.
Flight Discounts
Attendants can fly for free within Canada. Inquire with the specific airline for more information.
Do you have a permanent physical, sensory or cognitive disability and require assistance to use conventional public transit? HandyCard provides fare discounts on the bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus, and West Coast Express, and if someone needs to travel with you to provide assistance, can travel with you for free.
TaxiSaver is a supplementary service to HandyDART available to people with permanent disabilities that already have a HandyCard. TaxiSaver provides a 50 per cent subsidy toward the cost of taxi rides.
Health Connections Travel Assistance
Offers reduced cost transportation options for rural residents who must travel for non-emergency, physician-referred medical care outside their home communities
Arranges free flights for patients of all ages who cannot afford to fly to receive required medical care
Medical Transportation Supplements
Medical transportation supplements are provided to specific recipients of income assistance and disability assistance who are eligible for general health supplements or are facing a life-threatening health need. They are intended to meet extraordinary transportation costs associated with essential medical treatment.
Parking Permits for People with Disabilities
A disability parking permit enables you to use parking spaces reserved for persons with the permit. To apply for a permit, follow the blue link above, or phone:
Beacon Community Services (Sydney) 250-656-5537
City of Kelowna 250-469-8757
Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre 250-746-3930
Kamloops People in Motion 250-376-7878
Nanaimo Disability Resource Centre 250-758-5547
Richmond Centre for Disability 604-232-2404
Independent Living Vernon 1-877-288-1088
Victoria Disability Resource Centre 250-595-0044
Wescom Medi-Lend (Langford) 250-478-5373
For all other areas, please contact the Social Planning and Research Council of BC 604-718-7744.
Provincial Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Refund for Persons with Disabilities
When you purchase fuel in BC, you pay fuel tax. If you have a qualifying disability, the fuel tax refund program allows you to request a refund of the provincial motor fuel tax you paid in BC on fuel you used in a vehicle you own or lease. If you qualify, you are eligible for a fuel tax refund of up to $500 each calendar year.
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of BC: Driver Training Program
Financial assistance is available to persons with spina bifida or hydrocephalus to assist with the costs of driver assessment and driving lessons
Helps alleviate some of the transportation costs for eligible BC residents who must travel within the province for non-emergency medical specialist services not available in their own community
A service on Vancouver Island providing low-cost transportation by donation to medical appointments away from home
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